A woman who's motivated and strengthened by her belief in doing more for others.

Joanne Lu: All About Giving More

Joanne Lu is the Sabah branch group leader at GT Nelson Realty Sabah S/B, which is a subsidiary of GT Nelson Realty Group (formerly known as GS Realty Group).

Joanne has more than seven years of experience in the real estate industry and has been with GT Nelson Realty Sabah S/B since 2014.

Having trained agents since 2016, Joanne continues to be motivated as she can contribute to helping others to grow and live a better life, not forgetting the support and love she receives from her family and friends.

Joanne believes the core values of this industry are people values, treating others like how you want yourself to be treated.

“Love others like how you wish to be loved. As simple as that.”

Joanne has never stopped learning while working hard.

I see the benefits beyond myself, I wish to share what I have learnt plus the proven methods and encourage others that they can too do it and do better. 

This give her a great sense of achievement and continue to motivate and strengthen her belief in doing more for others. Joanne expresses that she counts every single effort as her contribution to others.

Joanne is blessed that she is able do a little more for others to grow and live a better life.

Community work has always been Joanne's life mission since her days as a medical student. In her early 20s, Joanne had been involved in young children education, especially children with thalassemia and autistic.

She stresses on how these children are not able to go to school like other normal children due to their vulnerability. 

Children at risk means children who are less fortunate, some maybe physical and mentally impaired, lost of parents, and experienced physical & sexual abuse. 

Joanne believes every person has social responsibilities not only for their family and children.

If as mature and able people, we're unable to contribute efforts to build our younger generations, our children's future will be doomed too, irrespective of how much you have raised your children.

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