What are Sabahan agents saying about COVID-19?
Real life stories from property agents in Kota Kinabalu on how they survived and thrived through the pandemic and it's effect on the market
Ms. Philomena Chai
PropNex Realty Sdn. Bhd.
A key aspect of the basic PropNex Values System was to stay POSITIVE. We were grounded on this virtue and were repeatedly trained and reminded to look and work on the brighter side.
Our objectives of securing listings and closing rentals and sales still need to be achieved. Hence, we moved on to the digital world even more aggressively - from using Zoom app to creating videos. We scheduled Zoom meetings for the entire team and also Team Leaders to strategize on sales and how to motivate our teams.
We have to possess the discipline and mindset to walk the extra mile as we are not living under normal circumstances. if indeed being a real estate agent is your passion, hang in there! Stay positive, be disciplined and work hard.

Mr Vincent Chong
Property Hub (Sabah) Sdn Bhd
Covid-19 pandemic certainly disrupted our work life and plans significantly. However, being a professional real estate negotiator means you have to be versatile and dynamic. We have to learn new things so that we can adapt to the “New Normal”, like the new way of working and communicating, and also presenting listings and developments to our clients.
Since the MCO in March, we have started to leverage a lot on digital technology. For instance, we have shifted from face-to-face meeting to online meeting (Zoom). Aside from adhering to strict SOPs, we took the initiative to produce more than 500 pieces of face shields and distribute to the front liners of residential and commercial properties to create a safer environment for the community.
As for our clients, we are offering an option to sanitize the property before vacant possession so that our safety and wellbeing are safeguarded as well as theirs.
So, keep your mindset and energy POSITIVE and "Test" NEGATIVE.

Mr. Joel Low
IQI Realty Sdn. Bhd.
One of the things that affect my work after Covid-19 hits Malaysia and Sabah specifically is unable to meet up face to face with colleagues and associates like we used to. But on the positive side, it teaches me how to adapt to virtual meetings and conduct sales online.
This is a way for me to enhance my skills since I don't have the right time to do so before Covid-19. As a result, within the 2nd week of the 1st wave lockdown we have already adapted to online training and sales.
During this hard time, it is very important to embrace the new normal or moving the "usual" practice more towards online and not waiting or hoping for things to get better. Opportunity will not wait and things won't get better if we don't change the way we work.

Mr. Lee Jia Wei
Bornion Realty
During this CMCO period, we can't do physical viewing with client. Most of the people will avoid to meet up during this difficult period. So, the alternative way is we will send video or photo of the property to our client for viewing and try the best to explain more through phone call. Since everyone stay at home, it's a good time for us to filter and advertise all of our listing and self-motivate is important to cope up with the current situation.

Here's our take on how COVID has affected the market and steps you can take to adapt to the new norm.